Our Method
Our method is based on the integrated development model that unlocks leadership and wellness capabilities required to create our future with positive impact and flourishing for all.

What does integrated development mean?
Integrated development involves combining various strategies for cultivating every facet of your being, enabling you to consciously shape your identity, chart your life's trajectory, and influence the world around you. The outcome is a life characterized by significance, vitality, well-being, a clear sense of purpose and positive impact.
Integrated development leverages 3 levers: Conscious leading and living competencies, Design thinking and Neural pathway rewiring.
Program Levers
Conscious Living and Leading
Key competencies needed to thrive, perform and flourish individually and collectively today and in the future

Research and Expert Validated.
All our research-based programs are developed by industry experts in Leadership, Wellness, Psychology, Learning theory, Conscious Business, Entrepreneurship and more. Moreover, our programs are prototyped by the real experts, a cohort of brave forward-thinking teenagers that contributed to develop the content and how it is delivered.

Learning Methodology
At IDEA we use an integral approach to learning. We leverage a combination of proven learning & development methods that engage and use the mind, heart and gut to act and learn while having fun.
Transformation literacy
Focusing on building Transformation literacy (being literate in how to transform our inner and outer self) more then on providing more content and knowledge.
Holistic approach
Focusing on growing from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence to conscious competence and finally to unconscious competence.
Practicing and incorporating new ways of being and doing
in our daily habits.
Quests & Micropractices
Learning though micro practices and journeys that have little time maximum impact. Our self-paced weekly practices include the following ingredients.
Time bound.
Use reflective work.
Leverage collaboration.
Requires little time to practice.
Learning through connections
Leveraging the container of connections as gateways for transformation is the key concept in learning though connections. Connect and learn though conversations and shared insights.
Integral approach
Focusing on the four vital ingredients in any comprehensive perspective.
Individual internal - Individual external - Collective internal -
Collective external.
Narrative-based learning
Learning model grounded in the theory that humans define their experiences within the context of narratives – which serve as cognitive structures and a means of communication, as well as aiding people in framing and understanding their perceptions of the world. (Bruner, J. (1991).
Adult learning
Using a mix of action learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation to ensure our programs are engaging and effective.
Whole Person approach
Cultivating different ways of knowing by shifting the inner place of learning form the head to the heart and from the heart to the hand. (Otto Shamer Theory U)
Providing tools and ideas to try out not prescribed. Embracing the idea that we are all unique and we are experts of ourselves. Becoming experts at wayfinding-the art of figuring out who we are and building our life one experience at a time.